Upper West Side

by Rachel Lynch in

IMG_7690 IMG_7718 up1 up2 up4 up329Here's a cool look I shot with Phil on the Upper West Side a few weeks back. I'm wearing a really cool leopard jacket from Missguided and these super funky shoes form Kat Macoine.

I actually bought the shoes for Fashion Week, but I didn't end up wearing them. Nasty Gal was carrying them, so I bought them from there. Sadly, you can't get them on their anymore.  The heel is super cool cause it's square. I don't own any shoes with a heel like that, so I had to have them!

Anyways, that's all I have for today guys! Tomorrow I'm going to be uploading a super special editorial shot in my new home again so get stoked! (Oh and tomorrow is Friday, so duh! Be excited!)


leopard coat by Missguided

square pink heels by Kat Macoine

photos by Phillip Van Nosstrand