yankee hotel foxtrot

by Rachel Lynch

It is in our willingness to contemplate what we want that we get what we desire. You must be willing to contemplate what you want from the universe. 

Buddha said that all suffering arises from attachment. I can try to deliberately detach myself from it, but why would one want to, when the things we're attached to make us feel so alive. It seem as though we must love things from a distance, not possessing them. It is in our need to posses them that suffering arises. 

How then can I just admire the things I love? Sit back and enjoy them for just being the universe. 

Nothing is so polar as love. The seemingly effortles pursuit that requires all effort. 

I guess we're all looking for this replica of the ideal, our own version of the perceived paragon. But in our pursuit of that ideal, I fear we will destroy everything worth having. The self-sabatoge that derives from an assumed state of lack.

If we only knew that we lacked nothing, and everything we need to be happy has already been given to us.

Ahh, what then. 

rose gold hendrix jacket by Liberated Heart

hendrix bellbottoms by Liberated Heart

naves jacket by Lenni the Label

jimi pants by Lenni the Label

photos by Maine Focus