Everyday is a dance between taming the mind, and filling it with everything. The poems of Emily Dickinson, the life work of Nelson Mandela, the music of Kurt Vile and the guitar riffs of Damien Jurado.
I switch between feeling old, and incredibly young. Like I have all the time in front of me, and then I open my eyes to see how incredibly fast it is passing by.
You never realize how far you're going to avoid what you fear. I've spent numbered days this year running away, not truly in touch with what I want to do with my time here. It is both a privilege and a curse. To have all the time on your hands to create anything you can dream of, but knowing that idle hands are the devil's playthings.
I switch between conscious days, and days inside the devil's grasp. I suppose both are necessary for existence. Human existence is polarity, male and female. We were born separate, disconnected, and every second is a scramble to feel that whole again.
photos by Sam Livm