i desire so deeply to weave my love for painting, writing, photography and fashion. i believe “influencing” does that well. that way the viewer can be effected by the entirety of your life and not just fragments. the pieces are valuable, but they are part of a much larger story. besides, the way one lives their life is truly the highest art.
i’ve been feeling like what you do matters. what you don’t do matters. we are all so interconnected, our actions bear more weight that we are often willing to carry. and some things you only get to have if you’re all in. like marriage. if one of you thinks you’re going to leave, then you’re not married. maybe you get some fleeting hedonistic pleasure, but the far greater pleasure has to be a lifetime together - children, honesty, a home. these must fill the soul so much more.
the same goes for being an artist. if you’re not all in, then what are you even doing?